The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea (also known as Salt Sea) isn’t actually a sea at all. The Dead Sea is a saltwater lake and it is about 800 square kilometers of free outflow lake which is fed by the Jordan river. Parts of the Dead Sea are located in Israel, West Bank and Jordan.
The climate of the Dead Sea region is sunny, warm and dry. The average temperature is around 35-40 Celsius Degrees with a rainfall of only 50 to 100-millimeter water per year. Whereas most of the planet’s oceans are only 3% saline, the Dead Sea contains 33 % of Salt as well as 26 different dissolved Minerals. It’s a hyper-saline lake that is truly one of Earth’s most unique places.
The water of the Dead Sea is now about 400 m below sea level. The high mineral and salt content of the water makes it impossible for fish or plants to live. The Dead Sea is known for thousands of years as the source of healing and beauty.
Already in ancient times Kings have let wounded soldiers come to the Dead Sea to heal there. Not only that climate plays an important role but also the unique composition of the water. This is one of the best treatments for skin diseases or skin blemishes.
But even with the daily skin care can do wonders. Dead Sea Salt, extracted by natural condensation of the sea water, retains its high concentration of minerals and trace elements. It is considered to be the most precious source of health and beauty.